Monday, April 16, 2007

The chronicles of onions

Everyone knows that we'll cry when we cut onions.
yes yes..tears oozed out and you can barely open your eyes.

hmmm...even IF you never ever cut an onion before..u should know that right?

there's a solution for this toublemaker
that is to sharpen your knife before you use it

and it's always ada udang di sebalik batu

Once upon a time..when there is still dinosaur...ELVES already exist.
nonono..the elves aren't scared of the dinosaurs because they have super power and they are too tiny to be seen by the dinosaur.

They are everywhere.

Dancing with the insects in the bloom or playing hide and seek in the woods or do some abracadabra thing to the big frightening creature or learn abc or making wreath or swimming in the clouds or......

However..they are no longer safety when the last ray vanish

their NUMBER ONE enemy will approach and they will be torture to death...scary eh

the vampires will wake up from the coffins in the cementeries..
and catch them by using blood.

According to the ancient...elves will faint then they are splash will dirty blood.
so..since the elves are everywhere..
the vampires just have to splash dirty blood any where they like.

The pityingly elves will then be force to drink some purple colour liquid which is made up of bat wings,lizzard's heart,hair and so on.

well..then..the elves will have to listen to their master(the vampires) and use their power to allow the vampire to travel to the future or back to the past.

ok ok ok ok..
i know this sounds a bit complicated.
you just need to know that..
the cementeries and dirty blood and purple liquid ingredients and vampires are from this century
and the vampires have some power too but it's not enough for them to travel so often

anything la!!

then right..
the elves finally found out something which can protect themselves from being caught by the vampire..


so they hide inside the onions..

and when you cut the onion,the elves will remember the dreadful past and release some magic which makes you cry.

but when you sharpen the knife...
you won't cry because you will wipe away the magic.

remember this..
no magic? sharp knife.


Rules Of The FishBall Religion

1:all fishballer must be able to list out at least NINE features of a fishball
2:pray to fishball before you sleep and even you nap
5:must eat fishball for at least twice in one week
6:must love fishball
7:must know all the rules well
8:must let others know that you are a fishballer
9:must not force others to become a fishballer
10:lucky number of all fishballer-9